Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 0 - Before Braces

Tomorrow is the day I get my braces on. I'm not exactly prepared, because my appointment was originally next month on the 20th, but lucky me, someone cancelled their appointment.

So what's the problem with my bite? I have an overbite, overjet and crowding! (More on this the next time I speak with my ortho, I forgot to get the exact measurements but from the photos it's clear my bite is...interesting.)

My orthodontist will be fitting me with In-Ovation R brackets on the bottom and I'll find out tomorrow if I'll have the (clear) In-Ovation C brackets on the top. Both types are self-ligating, which is different from the traditional braces I had when I was a pre-teen/teen that needed ligatures. I'm actually kind of disappointed that I won't be able to wear colored bands this time around.  Headgear is off the list the time, thankfully! Did not enjoy having to sleep in it, facebow popping out of the buccal tubes and sticking me in the cheek or waking up and having to unstick my lips off the thing because they dried to it in my sleep.

I should include that I have TMD/TMJ and at times it's hard to move my neck, open my jaw and even swallow. While it's not guaranteed that my braces will alleviate or fix the problem, I'm hoping it will to some extent.

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